Oh Travel Days (or should I say packing days …)

I honestly don’t know why people don’t talk about it more and how stressful it is – every time. Maybe we block it out once it’s done? It’s staggering to think about how we somehow get through it time after time, even those of us (like me!) who are careful planners and list makers. I know I’m not the only one running on fumes on a travel day, having only gotten a few hours of sleep after all the packing and preparation.

On any given day, I say to my boys as we head to the car, ‘what’s the hardest part of the day?’ And they respond in unison, ‘getting out the door!’

And it’s true! On just a normal day, it takes planning and preparation just to get out the door, whether for school, sports practice, a meeting, a party, errands – anything really.

But, oh my goodness, what about getting out the door on a travel day?! It’s an extraordinary feat! Whether you are taking a weekend trip to the beach or a three-week trip abroad, there are so many things to think about, it’s a wonder that any of us travel at all.

For those who work, the week before a vacation winds up being jam packed with final meetings and calls to make sure everything is covered in our absence, and that’s on top of our normal day to day. For those of us with pets, it’s organizing with pet sitters or the boarding place, sometimes having to drive our pet an hour away the day before a trip, and stocking up on pet food and treats.

The rewards and experience of travel outweigh the travel prep stress a million times over. Still, I always find myself utterly overwhelmed, completely exhausted, and in a state of bewilderment once I get in the car on the way to our destination or the airport wondering how in the world I did everything, and hoping I remembered it all.

I’d like to say that when I am traveling on my own without my family, it’s seamless and quick. But, it has never been. Whether for a work trip or a girl’s trip, whether via airplane or car, it always takes so much time to prepare; time that I usually do not have to spare.

I had a roommate when I lived in NYC in my 20’s who would pack swiftly and effortlessly, her belongings for her trips miraculously packed in a small tote she threw over her shoulder. I remain in awe to this day. There’s the mom at my school who proudly posted pictures of her family’s suitcases in a perfect row by the front door the day before her cross-country trip. To these ladies, you are my heroes!

Fast forward to my current world with a husband, two sons ages 11 and 13, a dog and a cat – We are on our way as I write to LAX airport to embark on a plane to France where we will spend the next three weeks exploring beautiful cities and towns, eating croissants, staying in quirky and charming air bnbs, and enjoying this gift of time together while my boys are still young.

This time, I said to myself, it’s going to be different.

And, here we are. Another trip – another prep day – another travel day. Did I have all the bags for my family packed by the front door the night before? That would be a great big no. Why is it so hard? I find preparing for trips like these is a whole different level entirely.

Thankfully with the boys, at 11 and 13, it’s a different world from when I had to do everything. But I did have to make sure they packed their ‘handsome shirts’ and tons of tons of socks.
I sent my husband out this morning to buy 6 more pair of socks for my youngest!

Figuring out what I will need is daunting. Shoes, dresses, loungewear, jackets, purses, effortlessly casual but cute comfortable outfits for sightseeing, and toiletries and accessories. My confession – I usually overpack, sneaking items that didn’t fit into my bag into my kid’s suitcases while everyone sleeps.

When I hear a friend mention they were up all through the night packing, I recognize a soul sister.

My mantra on travel days and travel prep days is ‘GIVE YOURSELF GRACE – IT’S AN EXTRAORDINARY FEAT THAT YOU GOT OUT THE DOOR … TRULY.’

So, happy trails my fellow travelers! And once you finally get out the door, all packed and on the way to your much anticipated vacation destination, take a deep breath, smile, and give yourself a great big pat on the back. Well done! You did it! All smooth sailing from here.

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