Success Stories

I was struggling with time management and feeling overwhelmed by the imbalance in my work/life schedule. Jessica helped me focus on my calendar. We designed what my perfect work week would look like, then set about managing my day to day agenda to make it a reality. She really helped me take control of my calendar so that I run my week, my week doesn’t run me. My time management has improved and my team understands my new expectations for meetings, giving me much needed balance.

Melissa A

Senior Executive, Gaming
My coaching sessions with Jessica were so helpful. As a counselor, I am constantly updating my skillset through trainings. For several years, I had been trying to decide about whether to invest in a particular training. Jessica helped me look at the reasons I wanted to do this training, and how it would help me personally and help my clients professionally. By the end of our coaching, the answer was clear: Take the training! I’m so glad I did! She also helped me create a mantra that I find helpful to this day: “Trust the universe.” I certainly trust Jessica and highly recommend her for anyone needing career or life coaching.

Amy B

Jessica Harrison is AMAZING!!! Jessica has been in my network but when I recently went through a job transition, I sought her advice and coaching. I had worked for years for major department stores in retail management and started with a fast pace retail start-up. At first, I struggled with imposter syndrome because I was expanding my skill set so much at once, especially with new technology. She helped me work through some limiting beliefs that had been holding me back. Jessica’s approach was kind, thoughtful, and optimistic.. yet was pragmatic. She was able to take me through current trends and opportunities and apply very sound approaches to how to organize my day and scale my responsibilities. Jessica truly cares about you as a person and tailors your sessions toward your career needs. I feel so fortunate to have worked with Jessica!

Brooke S

Team Manager, Start-up

I had just been hired for a newly created role at my company, in which I would have regular, direct contact with top level executives. There wasn’t much direction or structure around how this new role would function, and I needed advice and guidance on how to proceed. Thanks to Jessica’s training and her many years of experience working directly with executives, she asked me the needed relevant questions, evaluated my situation, and helped me to develop a course of action. After developing my strategy and next steps with Jessica, I implemented my new role plan, and it was wildly successful with the leaders at my company. I am now firmly rooted in my position, and many of my ideas have been integrated into the standard roles and responsibilities for this job. I couldn’t have succeeded without Jessica’s coaching, and I’ll be forever grateful.

Doug B

Cyber Portfolio Manager

My coaching experience with Jessica was motivational, fun and organized. I came to Jessica at a time in my life when I lacked my own motivation to move my body and was feeling stuck in bad habits. Jessica helped me set thoughtful goals so I could continuously strive to achieve them. We developed a detailed plan for my week-to-week calendar that was actually doable so I could hold myself accountable. Jessica is a natural at maintaining and developing relationships and she is always going above and beyond. I feel lucky to have worked with her. She guided me through a tough time and I am grateful.

Bethany O

Employee Experience Project Manager, Mother of Three
Before the coaching sessions, I knew where I wanted to go to college, but not what I wanted to study. I had the sessions, and was able to figure out what I wanted to do. Jessica was able to make me look within and find what I liked. With her coaching and help, I was able to confidently decide on accounting and finance for my major.

Kyle B

High School Senior

Jessica was able to be an intuitive guide and ask inquisitive questions for me to ponder during a transitional time in life both professionally and personally. She pushed me to stretch myself and my thinking while also reminding me of any my deep skills and strengths transferable across business sectors.

Jen R

Biotech Startup Consultant
If you’re looking for someone to help you get your life organized, Jessica is your answer. Her kindness, patience and professionalism made me feel comfortable as I unloaded my endless to-do lists. She helped me to organize my days and found gaps in my schedule I couldn’t see on my own. Most importantly, she encouraged me to prioritize and schedule fun, relaxation and self care – all of the things that make a person feel like themselves but get lost in busy schedules. I’m so thankful to Jessica for helping me be more productive, feel less stressed and for encouraging me to prioritize myself!

Terrah K

Mother of Three

Picking what colleges to apply to was really daunting. There were so many choices and I didn’t know how to narrow down the options. I worked with Jessica to help clarify what sort of school environment I was looking for. She helped me visualize what was important to me in a campus, and then helped me find schools that matched my criteria. She was with me every step of the application process and kept me grounded when it started to feel overwhelming. I’m so grateful for her support and guidance.

Chloe T

High School Senior
I would recommend Jessica’s coaching to anyone who is nervous about taking risks to advance their career or education. Jessica coached me in the summer of 2021 to prepare to study abroad in a Spanish-speaking country. I was very nervous because of the coronavirus, language barrier, and academic workload. Jessica helped me realize that this experience was more exciting than scary, and we envisioned my time away like a train ride. The goal was to stay on the train until I reached my destination (earning my much-needed credit hours) knowing that I was in control of my stops along the way. Jessica helped me see the importance of staying motivated and enjoying the journey. She was right, and the experience was just incredible!

Gracie K

College Senior
Jessica is a business coach with years of experience who has the capability to bring any leader to their full potential. Her ability to find tangible ways to meet goals is unlike any other. I first met Jessica as a new hire at a company she was working for and although we are years past that experience, her expertise is something I know I can always rely on. She’s helped me advance as a young professional and find ways to balance it all as a mother, wife, and business owner.

Nirit W

Food Influencer & Social Media Consultant